Are you paying more than your neighbor is for auto insurance? We all know that rates can vary from city to city, but there are many factors that can affect your car insurance premiums. When was the last time you checked for discounts on your insurance policy?
Vern Fonk is dedicated to helping you find the cheapest car insurance policy that also provides you with enough coverage and peace of mind. We believe everyone has the right to affordable and quality auto insurance, no matter what your driving history may be.
The first thing you should do when checking for ways to save money on car insurance is to ask your insurance provider if you qualify for any discounts. There are many auto insurance discounts that companies offer, but you have to be the one to ask for them. The most common discounts are: safe driving, multi policy, multi car, and good student discounts.
Shop around to different insurance companies. This can take some time, so schedule out some time to answer questions and make sure you are comparing apples to apples (same coverage amounts). Vern Fonk partners with hundreds of local and national insurance companies, so we do the shopping for you to find a cheap auto insurance policy that works for you.
Lastly, make sure the information your insurance company has is accurate. Even the smallest changes in information on your policy can make a huge difference in your premium. Make sure they have all your personal information (name, social security number, address, date of birth) correct as well as the information about your vehicle. You’d be surprised to see what the changes car insurance rates are for listing a car as a sedan instead of a coupe, for example.
Stay on top of your car insurance policy. Review it periodically to see if you could be saving money somewhere. Remember that Vern Fonk can do the shopping for you and we can find our customers the best auto insurance at the lowest price… period!
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