Finding the right car insurance policy is very important. Not all policies are created equal. Sometimes you won’t know if you’re in the right car insurance policy until it is too late, and there has been an accident. Staying on top of the ball and reviewing your auto insurance policy regularly is a step in the right direction towards car insurance bliss.
Ask your friends and family members what car insurance company they go through. For some this is a no brainer, but others don’t ever think to ask. If you feel you can trust your family and friends, and they happen to like the insurance company they’re with, you may like them too! Also, check social media sites and blogs to read reviews and complaints about each company when shopping around. Research the companies you have narrowed your choices down to and see if you can find advice on specific agents to see.
If you are in the process of shopping around, make sure you are comparing apples to apples. As we said before, not all policies are the same, but when comparing prices make sure the policies you are comparing are similar. Make sure the policies are for the same amount of time, coverage amounts, and have the same add ons.
If good, friendly service is important to you, find a local agent that can be your go-to man/woman to get the job done. They’ll be able to take care of all your questions and personalize your policy.
As always, talk with an experienced agent. Vern Fonk works with hundreds of local and national car insurance companies to find our clients the best rates and the best coverage. Give us a call today!
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